An Intelligent Agriculture Network Security System Based on Private Blockchains

Hsin-Te Wu and Chun-Wei Tsai


Abstract : Countries around the world are nowadays actively pro-moting development in intelligent agriculture. Each of them mustdevelop a specific plan tailored to environmental farming indices ofeach individual farm, and such information would be both impor-tant and sensitive. This is why information in intelligent agriculturerequires protection from network security to ensure data privacyand integrity. This study proposes applying dark web technologyto ensure the privacy of blockchains and servers. The study willmonitor packet transmission frequency in intelligent agriculture toprevent distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks. The mainfeatures of system include: (1) An identity authentication mecha-nism, (2) secure transmission of information, (3) establishment ofprivate blockchains, (4) a faster, improved authentication systemfor blockchain information, and (5) resistance against DDOS at-tacks. The proposed scheme can safeguard network security for theIoT as well as the servers by way of applying dark web technology,which can avoid exposure of blockchains and server ID addressesand thus in turn lower the risks of DDOS attack damages. Experi-ment results indicate that the application of lightweight encryptionof proposed scheme does indeed improve the authentication speedwhile also satisfying requirements of network security.​ 

Index terms : Blockchain, intelligent agriculture, internet of things, network security, privacy.